Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

How to use washer

How to use washer The following steps tell how to wash the clothes using a washing machine.(First) (separate) the coloured clothes from the others. (Then), (put) them in the washing machine, turn the machine on, set it to the wash selection and pour the detergent powder in. (Next), (wait) for the tub to fill with water. (After thet) (process) of washing has finished, let the clothes drain through the drain hose. (After that), (see) the knob of the wash timer again, this time to rinse for three minutes. Do this twice for a good rinsing. (Finally), (put) the wet clothes into the spin compartment, see the knob and wait until the spin processing shuts off. Now, you are ready to put the clothes on the line. pertanyaan : 1.adverb of sequence 2.how many steps 3.how many ingredients 4.how many verb 1

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